I linked the Pennywise Learning website because they (among other companies) provide the lab kit to accompany the Apologia science books. The science kit has all the knick knacks needed to complete the science projects contained in the books. For example, this project provided the balloons of various sizes, the thumbtacks, and the thread for the project. I provided the ceiling, the scissors, the construction paper and markers.
We had fun assembling it. We did include Pluto. A later chapter in the book is going to discuss why they have removed Pluto from the list of planets, but we got to choose whether or not to include it. Laura wanted to, so I made her provide me with a reason to include it. She stated, "Even if it's not a planet, it is still important!" I couldn't argue with that.
I look forward to more Science this year!
and it starts to teach her about the back-and-forth of scientific research and discovery!