Saturday, August 1, 2009

Usborne Books

I don't know how many of you know that I am actually an Usborne Books Consultant. I use that term very loosely . . .I signed up a couple years ago when we were in VA. There was a great deal on the starter set and there are absolutely no minimum purchases that you have to make when you are a member of Usborne Books. You do, however, enjoy a 20% discount on your purchases, and make a good profit when you host catalog shows or home shows.

The products are excellent and for that reason alone I joined. Check out their website!

There is a super fabulous deal going on now where you can join for, get this, 15 dollars plus tax. The shipping is even free. You get 10 books (the started package), loads of business materials, and 6 months of the e commerce website. Just 15 dollars gives you the discount. The first year I joined I placed an order for birthday presents for friends and some family members. These books (and other fun activities) make awesome gifts.

If you are curious how to join, just comment here, or send me an email and I'd be happy to fill you in. The 15 dollar deal is good only until Aug 9th, and the price steadily creeps up until the end of August.

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