Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Review: Wright On Time:Arizona

This book, Wright On Time: Arizona (Book One) was provided to me free of charge for review through Mama Buzz.

Author: Lisa M. Cotrell-Bentley

Although we are commonly told not to judge a book by its cover, I was excited when I first saw this book. The cover led me to believe that this would be a great book for us all to enjoy. In no time at all we joined 7 yo Aidan Wright and his 11yo Nadia sister on their adventure in Arizona.

This story depicts the fictional Wright family, as they "Road school" in their RV. The first book, Arizona, takes them through adventures in caves, searching for minerals, dealing with bats . . .and weaves in enough education to really make it worth your while. Targeted for the 5-12 year old crowd, by 7 yo girl and 5yo boy both enjoyed the adventure. The reading was easy enough for my 7yo to do independently, but we enjoyed reading it as a family during our school day. I can't wait to see what other adventures. I have always been amazed at what a blessed nation we are, with our mountains, plains, wetlands, deserts . . .I know these books will help foster an attitude of appreciation in my children for the wonderful land our nation has been entrusted with.

In addition, the website also feature a blog by Nadia who is transcribing from her paper journal, I think my daughter will enjoy seeing what Nadia has to say about her adventures.

In conclusion, I am thrilled that I have been made aware of this series. I am eagerly awaiting the upcoming books. Being a military family that has made our own way through 3 states in the last 6 years, I think that this series will be enjoyable for us. As the books come out for the states that have been part of our lives, we will definitely be ordering them.

Currently the book Arizona is the only one available, with Utah available as a pre-order. They are easy to obtain at the Wright On Time Website Store.
It can also be obtained at Amazon.com

1 comment:

  1. This looks like something my fellas might enjoy. Maybe I can even get my twin who reads better to read it out loud. Hmmmm. Thanks for the review!
